ISSMAS & ISSMAS-CE 2021 has been successfully held.
2021 7th International Symposium on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System (ISSMAS 2021) and ISSMAS-Control Engineering Academic Session (ISSMAS-CE 2021) was held via online successfully on January 29, 2021.
1. Conference Proceedings
ISSMAS 2021 & ISSMAS-CE 2021 conference proceedings (ISSN: 17426588) is archived in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series.
The ISSMAS 2021 papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus!
The 2021 7th International Symposium on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System (ISSMAS 2021) and ISSMAS-Control Engineering Academic Session (ISSMAS-CE 2021) was held via online successfully on January 29, 2021. Special appreciation extends to all experts and scholars. The conference was hosted by AICE. This year, due to the effect of coronavirus and consider the safety of the participants, the conference changed to online, innovative scholars and industry experts from Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation System fields join and exchange their latest research.
Keynote Speaker
Oral Speaker